These Colorful Rugs Are Made From Upcycled Saris
Hamburg, Germany–based textile designer Jutta Werner’s previous rug collection ingeniously blended candy wrappers with wool. This go-round, the Nomad founder explains, inspiration struck when she encountered massive piles of sari cloth at a weaving mill in northern India. “Without even thinking”—and much to her colleagues’ amusement—“I just jumped right in!” For A_Rug, conceived while immersed in the “sari bath,” as she calls it, warp threads selected from dyed cotton fabric scraps or sari remnants are handwoven with thick bouclé wool yarn. Rugs are available in seven colorways including bright-red Summerkiss, with contrasting cobalt fringe (accented with a dash of cerise), and Ocean, a plunge into monochromatic blue. “The fabric remnants are presorted by hue, but even a single-color pile of threads offers a vast array of different textures and gloss levels,” Werner muses. That translates into rugs of unusually rich chromatic depth.

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These Baseball-Inspired Ottomans Are A Home Run
Take a swing at comfort with these baseball-inspired ottomans, a bold expansion of Diabla’s Costuras collection featuring doubled-up designs.
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